Monday, September 14, 2009

Thing a Week 35: Late again

I'm late again, but I just had few points that I thought were kind of interesting, that I wanted the world to be aware of.

  1. A bad simile is like a unicorn on a motorcycle fighting a grizzly bear in a hang glider: It just doesn't make sense... No matter how good it sounds.
  2. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but when you combine them, you can make a catapult. I think that further experimentation may be required.
  3. Often, people make me do things I don't really want to do at all. When I ask them why, they tell me it's because I need to learn how to these things for later in life. I respond that I don't mind paying other people to do things I hate, and they tell me to get to work. From this, I deduce the following:
  • People like to watch me doing things I hate.

That's all I got for now.


  1. When you think about it, sticks and stones combined into a catapault can not only break your bones, but also your car, your dog and your house.

    However, a good simile is like a swan on a lake of melted chocolate chasing a pangolin.

  2. In that it makes less sense than a bad one?
