Saturday, June 27, 2009

Thing a Week 24: The Bad Wakeups

Have you ever woken up completely confused? You know, you go to bed way early and and wake up just as the sun is setting, and don't remember anything for a few minutes? Ever wondered what it would be like if that feeling kept going?

I woke up thirty five seconds ago, and I don't know what's going on. The last thing I remember is going on a walk to buy one of those vaguely creepy fake-fruit-with-possibly-toxic-glaze-substance pies at the "bakery", and now I'm here, chained upside down to a slab of iron.

...I think my memory might have some missing links.

Maybe I'm still dreaming. I kind of hope not, that seems a bit cliche right now. Anyway, I can never remember thinking about my dreams while I'm having them except when I'm having lucid dreams, and those don't count. Most of my my dreams seem to involve me running away from people trying to kill me. The last three or so that I can actually remember have kind of had that same over arching theme.

...Maybe my head's trying to tell me something.

Why is there lava underneath me?

I don't think my bed is upside, made of iron, or anywhere near the vicinity of a lava pit.

Maybe I am dreaming.

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