Monday, November 23, 2009

Thing(s) a Week 44... Kind of.

Awright, I didn't exactly post an article last week.... at all.
No I don't have an excuse, I just couldn't think of anything to write about.
As recompense, I am going to give you, the audience two (2), yes, TWO articles, for the price of one (since both are free, this equals a truly tremendous discount)*

Thing a week 43: Complaints.
One of the primary factors in my lack of updating this week was schooling. I've complained long enough about what I was working on, and anyone who reads this probably knows what I'm talking about, but suffice it to say: I had an unusually stiff amount of work to do in school over the course of last week, and as result, I am kind of written out. I don't really want to write anymore. I feel, in fact, like not writing for at least a period of time. How long? I don't know. Some quantity. I'm going to write anyway, but don't expect vivacity, wit, or coherence.
In other words, things are going pretty much as per usual on my side, how are you?
Seocndary complaint before I stop whining: sleep is good, and not-sleep is very tiring. that is all.

Thing a Week This Week: Links Links, Other Links, and More Links.

I recently went on a Youtube bender, and rediscovered an interesting fatc: Youtube has some really good short films on it.

again, that is all.

*Due to certain factors including, but not limited to, the fact that I am lazy, both articles will be sub-par to make up for the added effort on my part