Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thing a Week 5: This is not the content you were looking for... BUT IT IS NOW.

So, I was going to put up a short bit of yarning about out of work mercenaries, something humorous, with bits and snatches of jollity laced throughout it. Turns out that my mental blocks are alive and well, and that piece of sunshine is still in it's larval stage, possibly to stay that way. Instead, I present the audience, whoever that person is, with something else. something different. Something, in short, that rhymes. It's true! I do write poetry. I mostly write it, as in this particular case, when I'm tired, and my neurons stop operating at more than subsistence level. BUT I DO WRITE IT.

The Snarglebone:

The Snarglebone,
a squamous beast,
is flat as dinner plate.
It sniffs at everything it sees,
and all that it sniffs
it eats.
It's slavering jaw
and ravening maw
do work in harmony,
so it moves as it eats
and eats as it moves
...ah, nature's a beautiful thing.

By the way, squamous is an actual word. it means flat.

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