Monday, October 19, 2009

Thing a Week 39: With Pictures this Time!

Just a quickie post, but this time I have three (3) graphic aides to supplement the word snack I'm presenting you with. Basically, at school I'm in a graphic design class, and a recent assignment was to make three t-shirt patterns. When it comes to drawing things, I tend to be a massive over doer, so I naturally decided to make three t-shirts that would wow the ages and make children weep with joy. Short of that, I'd settle for shirts that would, at the very least, make children weep.
I failed in that respect, but I ended up making three products that I'm very happy with overall.

The Zombie shirt was my last piece. I was in a pretty big hurry when I made it, and it shows on the lack of polish, but over all I think it's pretty good. I would liked to put on a appropriate font if I'd had the time, but it's too late for that now.

the Dino was my middle piece, and it's the one I'm least satisfied with. It's not terrible, but I kind of slapped it together. given the chance, I would have definitely smoothed things out more, developed the rider a bit, and, again, gotten a font that looked at least half-way decent.

This one was my first, and my favorite by miles. I sweated art to get this right, and I'm really happy with the result. I really wanted a bright, blocky feel, but I didn't want it to be overly simplistic. I think I managed to capture that pretty well, and I also gave it my favorite caption of the bunch. this was my personal winner, hands down.

P.S. Sorry about the text being all mashed up, I'm not used to dealing with pictures.


  1. my friends celia and rachel want shirts with the bottom slogan. I also think it is sheer, sheer genius

  2. Thank you for the comment! I have no idea who you are.

  3. Hey dude, Where's my post? YOU'RE LATE!

  4. sometimes i like to post anonymous comments, even though you actually know me well. I also don't have a blog.

  5. @ Prism: Yes, I am. It's a chronic condition of mine.
    @ Anonymous: GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHH please state your name and identity, sir or madam, or at the very least mention an obscure in joke that might help me identify you.

  6. Hey Roberto-

    I love all your posts. Also, I just ƒøund this blog, and it seems like you guys should be ƒriends:

    Love you!

    p.s. I'm not anonymous.
