Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thing a Week 46: I Totally got Mugged a Few Weeks Ago

Welp, here is the double post, as promised. I will do my best to create well thought out, creative, emotive pieces, because I'm a pretty cool guy who's filled with creative ideas and artistic integrity.


Anyway, I've got a few things to talk about.

First up: I am kind of an eagle scout now, and I could use some pictures of me committing various acts of Eagle Scoutlery upon innocent bystanders. If any of the people reading this (read: my direct family) have pictures that fit that profile, I'd appreciate if you let me take those pictures, and use them, and then maybe remember to vie them back. Also, I am totally having my court of honor after Christmas, and anyone who reads this is invited.

Next up: I got mugged a few weeks ago, and didn't really talk that much about it, so here is the account, as fully as I can remember it:
Two or so weeks ago, I went to the library to pick up some books. As I was walking, three guys approached me walking in the opposite direction. I kept walking, they passed me, and then when I looked down, I noticed that their shadows had stopped walking away from me. Instead of turning around and saying moderately inappropriate comments about their hygiene, lineage, and personal habits, then running away (which is my plan for the next time this happens),I continued to walk, and then they started walking after me. Then they caught up with me. At this point, I was pretty sure I was going to get mugged, possibly because I'm psychic or not an idiot. The guy who seemed to be in charge said Syper? (siper? ciper? cyper? sigh-pur? I don't know, but apparently it's some sort of code) at me a few, times, became impatient when I stuttered confusedly, and then proceeded to express his disagreements with my bewildered comments via the traditional method, i.e. having me briskly hit his fist with my face. They then proceeded to punch me one more time, this time in my temple, and then removed my backpack, searched my pockets for items of value, took my mp3 player, told me repeatedly that they had a gun (I'm pretty sure they were lying), and then ran away. I stood up, and continued walking to library.

In response to the questions that people always seem to ask when I tell them about this:
No, I didn't fight back. It's a bad idea when you're outnumbered, and it keeps the muggers from hurting you severely
No, I didn't get hurt badly. They only punched me twice, and neither time hurt that much, it was just disorienting,
Yes, the muggers were all black. Why does everyone I talk to ask me this? IS IT THAT VITAL TO KNOW THE RACE OF MY MUGGERS? Why are people so intrigued with the fact that I was punched by minority figures?
As to what was taken: My backpack was the main loss. I've had that thign for at least 3-4 years, and it's lasted great up to its being stolen. next most important was my mp3 player, which was a piece of junk, but had my music and I miss it. I've got all my songs backed up, but I don't have convenient access, which is frustrating. I also lost two school ID tags, which is annoying because they cost cold hard cash, a commodity I tend to have in short supply. I also lost a library book (the Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud, if you were wondering), somethign else I'm going to have to pay to replace. In total, I'm probably going to end up being about $60-$70 in the whole to replace everything I've lost.

That is, in a manner of speaking, two separate items of writing. I'm also going to be posting I descriptive piece I wrote recently, but the only copy that I have of it is written on treeflesh, and I won't be able to post it until I get my hard copy back.

P.S. As an aside, money/items to help pay for items lost in muggings make GREAT christmas present,s if any of you were wondering.

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