Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thing a Week 14: In Which I may be a Bad Person

So, yesterday I went camping with my scout troop (for the readers I like to fondly imagine exist who don't know me personally, I am a Really Truly all American Boy Scout of America, which means I go on camp outs sometimes and light things on fire that I shouldn't, such as my foot), to a state park. It is a nice place, scenic, with lots of trees and grass and other trees and rocks to admire while realizing you forgot something vitally important, and as a result will spend the duration of the night in misery. There were also people of a female persuasion at this camp site, which is normally a situation so rare that when scouts hear of it they plug their ears to prevent further pollution and corruption from such wild heresies. Being the kind of guy I am (a male), this plot development intrigued me, and I found it advisable to inquire as to the reason behind the mystery. Turns out that the college semester recently ended, and many students were celebrating it by the traditional manner (cheap beer, expensive beer, medium range beer, and any other liquor available for consumption). So in my smartfulness, I decided to say hi to my fellow campers, and enjoy watching their reactions as they tried to muster enough coordination to actually look at me and respond coherently. This story isn't done, but I'm tired and typing is hard when you are trying to operate on 2 hours of sleep.
The story will be finished later, but for now let me say: the night ended with a police call, it did not end up with me drunk or consuming any foreign substances, alcoholic, hallucinogenic, or otherwise, and I had to fill in a sheet of paper as a crime witness for the first time in my life.
Night All!


  1. We want the rest! We want the rest! Give us DETAILS! Your adoring audience awaits with bated breath (or at least breath that smells like bait!)
